Do you want to donate to trusted organizations?
We’ve gathered a list of charities and organizations in the Middle East & North Africa region that are featured for their history, reliability, impact and consistency in delivering on promises. The below note-worthy organizations are accepting direct donations.
They share our non-partisan, non-political and non-religious position.
View individual countries’ directories and list of trusted list for your donations (where available as this is a work-in-progress) in the Arab World.
If the country you wish to donate to is marked “In progress”, you may refer to that country’s particular directory instead and make your choice there.
Algeria View |
Bahrain In progress |
Comoros In progress |
Djibouti In progress |
Egypt In progress |
Iraq In progress |
Jordan In progress |
Kuwait In progress |
Lebanon View |
Libya In progress |
In progress |
In progress |
In progress |
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In progress |
Saudi Arabia In progress |
Somalia View |
Sudan In progress |
Syria View |
In progress |
UAE In progress |
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The listing is a compilation of publicly available information. does not sponsor or endorse in any way the organizations listed within the directory, nor their affiliates or sister agencies. See disclaimer for more information.
Note: is not a charity and does not accept donations nor provides financial assistance to the public, fund raise or write proposals to the public but is owned & operated by a commercial enterprise with a social mandate and is based in Lebanon by the name of The Olive Tree SAL offering services for the common good.