• Mentions & Citations
  • Press Resources

arab.org mentions, references & citations in the media.




The Guardian
l'Orient Le Jour


Vice Media Yahoo!
Duke University MDPI
American University of Beirut Rutgers University

All company, organization, brand, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only and are property of their respective owners. Usage does not imply endorsement.

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Short & Long Descriptions

Short Description

arab.org aims to empower every person & organization to do Good.

Long Description / Boilerplate

arab.org’s mission is to improve the status and welfare of people in the Arab World and beyond by offering community information, expertise and new opportunities to connect, collaborate, and campaign to offer real support for real issues. arab.org is owned & operated by The Olive Tree SAL, a startup social enterprise based in Lebanon offering services for the common Good. Through our principles of Leadership, Transparency, Collaboration and Innovation, and our newly setup Advisory Board, we work hard to ensure the promise of our Vision is delivered, every day.

What drives us to achieve our impact-driven vision?

  • Providing reliable info & services for the Common Good

    The NGO Portal provides a wealth of updated and relevant information and services for civil society in the Arab World (currently 3905 organizations in 22 Arab countries and classified into 11 categories & 44 sub-categories) and cited by major international news organizations and found in top positions on search result pages.

  • Allowing millions of people to do Good

    World’s first Click to Help “Free Donations” platform for the region, enabling everyone to donate without cash or credit card or registration.

    Instead of competing with existing donor system, our work consists of adding new channels creating opportunities as to provide new funds and new opportunities for the common good.

  • Enabling businesses to do Good

    Through our unique Socially Responsible Advertising initiative for the MENA region, we bring together platforms for Good to an audience of students, journalists, researchers, scholars and decision-makers with civil society influence.

All our services are fully multilingual and ensure accessibility.

We equally can’t wait to tell you about even more exciting components of purpose which we will be releasing in due time.

Note the spelling: “arab.org” – always used lowercase for the name and in one word. For example: arab.org by The Olive Tree SAL


Logos & Corporate Identity

Standard Colors


Monochrome Colors


Color Palettes

The arab.org logo is a legally registered trademark and its usage is governed by law & legal responsibility, read the full conditions here.


Our only official accounts on social media

  @arabdotorg on Twitter

  @arabdotorg on Facebook

  @arabdotorg on Instagram

Frequently used hashtags: #arabdotorg #ClicktoHelp #DonGratuit #التبرع_المجاني


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For any media or press-related inquiries, contact us.