Association Marocaine D’aide aux Enfants en Situation Précaire
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Organization's Name in Arabic
الجمعية المغربية لمساعد الأطفال في حالات غير مستقرة
Organization's Name in another language
Moroccan Association of Assistance to Children in Precarious Situation

In the few years prior to 1996, the founding members of A.M.E.S.I.P. Found the ever-increasing number of children riding the streets of Rabat during school hours, indulging in multiple parallel activities ... Many of them had begun to engage in various forms of drug abuse: inhalation Hallucinogens, psychotropic consumption. Most were covered with vermin and often sick.

A survey to determine their geographical origin was carried out, all had left school prematurely or had never attended school. Since the founding of the A.M.E.S.I.P. we have organized a survey, the results of which showed us how to act effectively against this phenomenon of "precarious children".

Very succinctly, this survey revealed the following points:
The vast majority of these children came mainly from Salé and partly from certain peripheral districts of Rabat. All these children had a family of close relatives but the family ties were loose or almost non-existent.
The percentage of girls compared to boys was very low (about 6%).
The range of ages ranged from 6-16 years with a "peak" around 11-14 years.

These findings led us to set up reception centers and training centers for these children in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods

Phone Number
Kasbah des Gnaouas – Sidi Moussa - Salé
Website Address


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