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You can take more action and help break this remaining frontier of oppression.
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Volunteer your services
Aid agencies need people to help in a number of different ways. In the aftermath of a humanitarian disaster, it is vital that the response of the international community is immediate and well coordinated in order to save as many lives as possible. Therefore volunteers usually have previous disaster or international experience and technical skills (e.g. medicine, communications, water and sanitation, engineering) and are usually from neighbouring countries not affected by the disaster.
NGO Jobs Portal


Get involved in a campaign
Campaigning for a fairer world can reduce the vulnerability of poor people to the effects of natural disasters. Very often the root causes of human disasters are related to injustice. Developing countries need to be given the opportunity to prosper through fairer trade conditions and the cancellation or renegotiation of crippling debt repayments as well as receiving increased financial assistance from the developed countries. Countries like Ireland have an obligation to help create these fairer conditions.
Civil Society Resources


Tell others
If you are a teacher or youth worker, engage young people in activities and discussions around the issues related to emergencies. Many of the aid agencies have resource materials with ideas on how best to do this. If people in your workplace are looking to respond when an emergency arises, organise a briefing on the most appropriate kind of aid and explain why. The information in this leaflet will help you to do this.
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