Press House Palestine

Press House Palestine seeks to create a safe, complete autonomous environment to raise the Press efficiency of Palestinian journalists and Media people.

Press House Palestine exists to enable the Palestinian media to keep abreast of the global media revival and networking with the media and international research institutions, and the creation of a Palestinian media serve the Palestinian community issues and meets the wishes of independent vision, adopt transparency and professional principle to serve national issues at the local and international level through the development of cadres and promote the principle of freedom floor and culture of civil peace in Palestinian society.
– Foundation seeks to build capacity of media professionals and strengthened through the development of the performance of the Palestinian media, including raising their skills and keep pace with media revival internationally.
– Press House Palestine aims to create a network of young journalists and intellectuals who believe in freedom of expression and working on the promotion and dissemination of fair people issues both domestically and internationally in cooperation and full coordination with public and private bodies.

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