Middle East Advocacy and Research Center

Formed in 2010, the Middle East Advocacy and Research Center (MARC) encourages and supports active civic participation through the promotion of transparency and accountability. The specific objectives of MARC include:

  • sensitizing individuals from various backgrounds on issues that directly affect them;
  • to create dialogue in rural areas between communities, utilizing a human rights based approach;
  • to support and establish independent citizen initiatives;
  • to advocate for socioeconomic and environmental alternatives to local, regional, and national level problems
  • to harness new forms of media to raise awareness about grassroots initiatives being implemented; and
  • to build capacity of civil society organizations.

MARC holds the following core values: 1) dialogue and awareness are essential for achieving coexistence and diversity within communities; and 2) freedom of expression, association, and belief are the foundations of vibrant and healthy society.

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