My Right to Life

Established in 2010 and celebrating the “Day of Life” and striving to make it a national day, a goal that the association seeks.

The association seeks to achieve the following goals:
1. Defending the dignity of the human being and the right to life from the first moment of pregnancy until natural death.
2. Carrying out awareness campaigns, seminars and conferences aimed at achieving these goals.
3. Promote a correct sexual education that respects the two dimensions of the human being: the physical and the spiritual, and encourages birth control by natural means.
4. Endeavor with the competent authorities to activate the law for the protection of the fetus, to legislate laws that support the sacred right to life, and to activate the Lebanese penal code regarding abortion.
5. Work to support life and help mothers to overcome their difficulties and fears about the new life ahead.
6. Rehabilitation of mothers who have committed abortions and give new reasons for hope.
7. Disseminating the teachings of the Catholic Church on the moral and social issues.
8. Celebrating the “Day of Life” and striving to make it a national day.

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