Makhzoumi Foundation

Makhzoumi Foundation is an NGO established in Lebanon in 1997 with a vision to provide ultimate living conditions for every person in Lebanon and a mission to mobilize resources, build partnerships, and develop the capacities of our community in Lebanon while promoting targeted education, affordable healthcare, workable startups, sustainable development, and secured livelihoods.

The Sectors that we work in: Primary Healthcare, Vocational training, Micro-credit, Environment and Development, and relief.

The primary healthcare program focuses on providing accessible health services based on the Primary Care standards that are implemented by the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health in Coordination with Canada Accreditation. This includes medical consultations, laboratory and radiology, dental care, home nursing, medication services, and health awareness.

The vocational training program provides job-specific technical training for work and focuses on providing youth and women with hands-on instructions. It fulfills two goals including encouraging the seeking of knowledge and promoting self-reliance.

The micro-credit program offers financial and non-financial services including loans to facilitate business investment with training and awareness about finance and entrepreneurship throughout the period of the loan.

The Environment and Development program runs projects that empower women, children, and youth and enforce their role as active and responsible citizens in their communities leading the road towards sustainable development.

The Relief and Humanitarian Unit works with vulnerable communities since 2006 in collaboration with UN Agencies, international and local.

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