Legatum Global Development

The Legatum Foundation’s mission is to liberate the human potential of those suffering abject poverty. Guided by our investment principles, we seek to influence and redefine conventional approaches to social development by promoting initiatives that enhance the optimal allocation of human, intellectual and financial capital.Our grant investments are targeted at the bottom of the Prosperity Ladder, towards communities that, for one reason or another, are trapped by poverty and its consequences. This may result from a debilitating illness, a natural disaster, a loss of liberty, limited access to education or credit, or something as basic as a lack of clean water. We try to help individuals get a leg up on to the first rung of the ladder so that they can have the opportunity and dignity of helping themselves.Legatum is advised by Geneva Global, a professional philanthropic service that provides origination, evaluation and reporting as well as active portfolio management. Geneva Global has codified what we believe to be good practice in the realm of international development. These standards, principles and beliefs focus on effective development practices at the community level, but are broadly applicable to the field.

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