Institut Libanais pour le Développement Economique et Social


The ILDES (Lebanese Institute for Economic and Social Integrated development) is a Lebanese association born in 1986. Since 1988, it has a legal status under the Lebanese law on associations.

The ILDES, being an NGO with non-lucrative aim, is interested in the Lebanese population displaced from its places of origin by the wars that devastated Lebanon from 1975 to 1990.

Its mission is to contribute to a return to the conviviality and inter-community life that prevailed in Lebanon before the wars (1975-1990), and which constituted its specificity and its great value.


  1. To fight against rural exodus and emigration of the Lebanese population
  2. To fight against the extension of poverty
  3. To allow the population to persevere in a just and dignified life
  4. To act in favor of the economic and social development of the individual and the collective alike
  5. To promote the dialogue among communities

Its future vision is:

  • To participate in the creation of regional poles of development.
  • To promote, in this frame, a development process respecting the environment.
  • To reinforce inter-community life.

This vision will be achieved through the action of the ILDES with Lebanese and international partners. ILDES assures its objectives through various working programs : « sponsoring», « employment office », « health care center », « micro-credits », « vocational training », « regional infrastructure », « orientation and counseling », organization of « seminars on dialogue among communities » and, since the basis of any activity resides in the accurate knowledge of needs and deficiencies, a « studies and research » program occupies an important place within the work of ILDES : studies of regions, feasibility studies of economic projects…

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