Grepom BirdLife Maroc

The GREPOM is a non governmental non profit organization established May 7, 1993, under Moroccan law, to the initiative of a group of researchers and lovers of wild birds. Its headquarters is in the Scientific Institute, Avenue Ibn Battota, Agdal, Rabat.

The GREPOM acts according to the Constitution and the Moroccan laws and independently of any other entity; however, it can establish partnerships with national associations or groups of international organizations, as their goals and modes of action are consistent with hers.

The GREPOM, because of the national scope of its objectives and the diversity of skills he brings (teachers, researchers, students, management of natural areas, fans …), provides a framework for action and sharing among those affected by the preservation of Nature in Morocco; which are also the main beneficiaries of this share.

The GREPOM consists mainly of active members willing to volunteer to contribute to its goals, including through experience and time.

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