Ebsar Foundation

EBSAR foundation was co-founded by Magrabi hospitals & Centers to serve to rehabilitate those with vision impairment to be self dependent and productive elements in the society.

Ebsar Foundation for Low Vision and Blind Rehabilitation Services is a non-governmental, non profit Saudi organization funded by charitable donations and grants. Ebsar helps people who are visually impaired overcome their disability and enjoy a better quality of life by teaching them skills which enable them to compete on an even basis with their sighted peers in both educational and work places. Ebsar provides low vision care, courses in Braille, computer and assistive technology training, orientation and mobility, and daily living skills. One of the most important services is family counseling.

Social and human service is the Assembly tool for achieving the goals of social and humanitarian tasks that are keen on the beneficiaries and support and working to meet the social and humanitarian needs, a humanitarian objective includes meeting all the needs of social and humanitarian benefits, psychological, training, rehabilitation and education through the bear or the financing of the value of the services that it needs under specific conditions

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