Banin Charity Association

Banin Association aims to provide its services and aid to people regardless of their sectarian, political or religious affiliations so that people may obtain and enjoy their rights. The idea of racial and sect-based discrimination does not exist at Banin and we follow a purely humanitarian path.

Banin provides its services and aid to people in order to create for them a life full of pride and dignity and for the purpose of enjoying the health care required for them and achieve their goals.

Happiness represented by “Our Smile”
Love represented by “Our Heart”
Giving represented by “Our Open Hands”
Humanity represented by “Our Human Nature”
Motherhood represented by “Our Hugging Arms”

Since 2013, Banin Association has worked to sustainably impact the lives of many Lebanese citizens, regardless of their sectarian or political affiliation. We aim to help those in need to cope with the often harsh conditions of life in Lebanon and to respond to emerging crises.

Our approach allows us to focus on long-term issues and goals while giving us the freedom to respond to unforeseen problems within the country. Our five years of experience in working with the needy has taught us the importance of research, networking and collaboration with a wide range of partners. By continuously seeking feedback, rigorous monitoring and evaluation, Banin Association is able to revisit past performance, asses our current strengths and improve our planning process. Below is a list of our goals:

Creating frameworks for cooperation and cultural and social communication
Activate social and charitable services through aid, scholarships, and empowerment programs
Providing health assistance, medicine and treatment
Organizing sports activities for children, orphans and disabled people
Interacting and communicating with Lebanese, Arab and international charity associations, bodies and assemblies;
Formulating social activities, exhibitions, seminars and lectures to enhance cultural and charitable activities
Participation and involvement in the establishment and management of similar associations
Establishing homes to take care of, shelter and educate orphans and people with special social needs
Establishment of nursing homes and elderly day clubs
Establishing schools for students with special needs
Forming schools and institutes
Launching organizations whose profits go to charitable associations
Start organizations to protect women’s rights

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