Association Tuniso-Méditerraneénne de l’Environnement

1.Former leaders of different age groups in order to soon be in charge of environmental education.

2. Spread environmental awareness in all sectors of society and contribute to the efforts of the Tunisian state for environmental protection.

3. Promote a generation aware of its responsibilities towards the environment and that s’ does decide to have a behavior that respects the ecology categorically in his daily actions. 4. Integrate with official efforts of Environmental Protection Compliance Tunisia to achieve its objectives by contributing to the implementation of joint projects, in particular as regards the deployment of environmental awareness by informing the authorities concerned of all environmental offenses. 5. Strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation between the members of the Tunisian-Mediterranean Association environment, between environmental associations and committees dealing with the environment in associations with different specialties. 6. Having partnerships with environmental organizations in the various countries of the Mediterranean and ensure the exchange of experiences and ideas

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