Royal Humanitarian Foundation


“An International Leading Organization in Humanitarian and Charity Work”


Through the Royal sponsorship and outstanding performance, RHF seeks to carry out charity and philanthropic works, undertake a humanitarian, social and economic role for the benefit of citizens, contribute to the development of a spirit of solidarity to promote philanthropy, and support the needy groups in the Kingdom.


Royal Order No. 33 of 2007 defines the duties of the Organisation as follows:

Sponsor widows and orphans and look after the elderly and people with special needs;
Provide social, medical and educational assistance and contribute to alleviating burdens of living on needy families;
Contribute to setting up and developing non-profit social and charity projects, such as orphanages, elderly, child and handicapped care centres, kindergartens, rehabilitation of needy families, and health rehabilitation centres;
Participate in sustainable development work, such as supporting small and medium enterprises, allocating land for social and charity projects and coordinating with government authorities in charge of implementing such projects;
Any other charity activities commanded by His Majesty the King, RHF’s Honorary President, or approved by the Board of Trustees.

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