Association Tunisienne de Réanimation

The Tunisian Association of Resuscitation has missions incumbent during a term in the office and its president but his task will not be sustainable without the participation of all its members. These missions are mainly:
1 / Promotion of specialty highlighting its specificities and its difference. This task is not easy given the multidisciplinary nature of the resuscitator and horizontality of our specialty that make her ill-defined, blurry and some confusion still exists.
2 / To make known the services business primarily within the resuscitation of community enhancing exchanges between colleagues and by establishing networks between the teams, second to the services of other specialties.
3 / organization of periodic scientific meetings including the annual conference and the spring meeting that need be enriched by other events. These meetings may be interesting that through collaboration and the presence of the largest number of colleagues.
4 / The establishment of a partnership with other national and international scientific societies, medical schools and national institutions such as the INAS.
5 / the development of recommendations for the diagnostic or therapeutic management to standardize practices.
6 / to provide continuing medical education.
7 / Promoting research by encouraging and supporting the investigation and multicenter studies. I appeal to all colleagues to submit projects to the scientific committee.

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