Association Rahma el Faouar

Mercy Association is a local charity and social – based local market for sparkling.
– Number Mnkrtiha 31 people versus 30 d per year. Assembly and going Authority Director consists of 12 members.
– The association of the three young owners of Certificates Supreme unemployed job working within a voluntary mechanism of action since February 2012.
– Operating within the Office of the Commissioner of sparkling Kebili Governorate. The COR COR is the sparkling desert border sprawling (second in terms of area in the Republic of Tunisia) located in the south – west of the state before me. A population of about 20 thousand people spread over 11 villages spaced a significant proportion of the population below the poverty line , especially in villages and raised trays and Sabriyah. Just Almatmdip Center for State center 70 km and a lack of major administrative services , where there are no any municipality or area of any branch of a bank or a branch of my company ‘s electricity and water. There is full Almatmdip write a sub separated by more than 75 km.
– Assembly adopts to provide the necessary financial resources for interventions on local donations (from within Almatmdip) of the owners of the good and the contributions of its members and their contribution to monthly

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