Al Nahda Philanthropic Society for Women

Endeavor to organize the work of voluntary and social services and educational services, training and employment of women and participation in the study of issues of concern to women so as to enable them to achieve their important role in family care, and improve their status and community service. Renaissance verify its mission through the development of activities to keep pace with the changing needs of women over time.

who are we ?

We are a non-profit women’s organization founded in 1962. We are working to rehabilitate Saudi women

Economically and socially, through the implementation of a number of projects and programs aimed at development. Our beginning efforts

Volunteering to serve the community and then our development to become an institution of a cultural and social nature to enable

Women, thus relying on the principle of development as a lofty message and sustainability as a constant goal.

Our vision: To be an effective partner in the development of Saudi society.


We work to ensure a community environment that cherishes women’s participation, preserves their dignity and builds their capacity to reach leadership positions.

We wish to foster:

· Make a positive change in society

· Quality, transparency and honesty

· Teamwork

· Recognition of our partners

· The importance of time and responsibility

Our guidelines:
1. Quality, transparency and honesty.
2. Dynamic and continuous development.
3. Cooperation with the supporting bodies to achieve the objectives of the strategic renaissance.
4. Dependence on studies and evidence to build projects.
5. targeting the needs of women not fulfilled.

What distinguishes Renaissance from other charities?

The Renaissance works on three different axes in its direction, intersecting in its objectives.

Al Nahda strives to help its beneficiaries and take their hands out of poverty and turn them into successful women

Socially and socially independent. Al Nahda does this by involving its beneficiaries in various development projects

Which correspond to their own needs and skills so that these skills are consistent with the Maslow pyramid.

The second axis is a logical development of the efforts of the Renaissance in support of women, as it relates to the set of projects

The development developed by Al Nahda to close the gap between the level of skills of Saudi women and the requirements of the labor market.

The third axis is to give Saudi women the opportunity to meet and participate in many events

Which develops their network of knowledge and offers the opportunity to meet with prominent Saudi women in their achievements and gifts.

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