Online Learning for Everyone

When two worlds collide, the outcome is a new world.

At a time when many people are home with access to internet at high speeds, the definition of home-learning has a whole new meaning, a whole new audience and a range of new providers, both from MENA and the rest of the World.


offers online courses in Arabic for teachers and educators to help them improve their skills in different areas including self-development, educational strategies, education techniques, and educational tools and techniques.


Almentor is an online video marketplace and the go-to content provider for Arab self-learners throughout the Middle East and Africa. This cutting-edge platform offers video courses and informative talks, as well as personal learning and development courses, in both Arabic and English. Additionally, the platform curates top-rated training programs and content created by industry experts.


Edraak is a massive open online course (MOOC) platform that is one of the initiatives established and financially backed by the Queen Rania Foundation since 2014. The Jordan-born platform presents a unique learning opportunity that leverages technology developed by leading tech experts at the Harvard-MIT consortium, edX.


An online resource and learning hub that provides specialized content on developmental disabilities in Arabic throughout the Arab region. The platform aims to empower parents by providing customized knowledge – in Arabic – through articles and video interviews with experts giving practical guidance, as well as interviews with parents sharing their personal experiences and recommendations.


Lamsa, also known as Lamsa Kids’ World, is a top-notch digital service tailored for children. The platform delivers a wide array of content varying in type and context such as interactive stories and games, as well as an entertaining and interactive learning experience for toddlers aged 1-3, preschoolers aged 4-6 and school-aged children aged 6-8.


Nafham is a free online educational K-12 video platform that is linked to the official public-school curriculum. This startup makes it easier for students to understand certain concepts using different approaches while providing 5 to 20-minute videos created by professionals.

Noon Academy

Noon Academy is one of the fastest growing Edu-Tech startups in the Middle East, with over 2 million registered students. Noon Academy specializes in making an educational, engaging and affordable social learning platform that allows students to learn from peers, compete with them and initiate live on-demand study groups.


This platform offers free online courses from some of the most well-known names on the internet today, including Google, Microsoft, and Macmillan. With over 4 million users and over 600 courses already, it covers topics such as economic literacy, personal development and business/enterprise skills.


Much like MIT’s Open Courseware, this site has 114 educational partners that provide free courses to almost 10 million users. One benefit to Coursera is that there are very specific courses that fit perfectly into particular niches.

Crimson Education

Crimson Education was founded to supercharge students’ ability to get accepted into the world’s most competitive universities. Since 2013, we have helped students around the world to secure 193 Ivy League offers, 57 Oxbridge offers and over USD$67M in scholarships and financial aid.


This free site currently has over 300 courses on a variety of topics, including “Financial Analysis and Decision Making” and “Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?” These courses not only cover business in general, but can also you help learn more skills that are applicable to your industry, such as big data or environmental conservation.

HubSpot Academy

The free certification program offers courses on inbound marketing, including website optimization, landing pages and lead nurturing. These skills are a must for business owners as they try to grow their business and online presence.

MIT Open Courseware

These are actual courses taught at MIT and offered for free on the site for viewing and reading at your discretion. The school put together an entrepreneurship page that lists available courses that are beneficial to new business owners.


Even though it’s not an official course, podcasts are an amazing (and easily digestible) way to become a better person and a professional. Podcasts can be listened to via streaming on your computer (if that certain podcast offers it) or via iTunes for iOS and apps such as Podcast Republic for Android.


It’s probably unsurprising to most users that YouTube is one of the world’s largest search engines, as there are literally videos on just about anything you can imagine. From TED talks to recorded presentations on building a business, it’s a great free resource on just about any topic.

Don’t allow the hours to pass by!

Do not allow yourself to be the same person you were yesterday, but instead seek to learn new information, new skills and new perspectives on work, home and life in general.

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Image: Shutterstock
Publication date: Mar 28, 2020
Updated: Feb 26, 2021

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