Zero Waste Act

Mission Statement

Zero Waste ACT was formed out of a love and respect for our environment, country and inhabitants. By mapping waste sources with recycling industries and providing recycled material again for reusing, we leave as little garbage behind as possible and help others achieve this goal as well. We have a strong sense of community and we want to raise awareness and change attitudes of those who believe recycling is not worth it. It is our goal to start small and offer a service that is new to schools and institutions and, by making the efforts minimal, we believe that anyone can recycle and be excited about the fact that they ARE making a difference. Our ultimate goal as a business is to expand to all schools, to all families and to all communities; to open up minds to the possibility of a cleaner planet and to enhance the idea that caring and making a difference to generations to come is what matters most.


We aim to initiate and develop awareness of massive environmental consequences our sanitary system is creating. We would like to implement a comprehensive set of actions designed to address Lebanon’s solid waste disposal dilemma and lessen the demand upon our natural resources. In doing so, we promote an integrated waste management hierarchy emphasizing the Six R’s –

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect , Responsibility , and Recognition

and help each school develop a waste management program which will divert its waste stream from disposal to recycling.

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