Wefaq Society for Women and Child Care

WEFAQ aims at providing a safe environment for development and growth through empowering women and children at risk psychological, socially and educationally.

Wefaq society for woman and Child care is an independent  society founded in 2010    but it has a deep roots since 1997 as a branch of woman’s department in Gaza community mental  health program (GCMHP), which has worked over 14 years with a professional and specialized  crews  in order to support and advocate women victims of violence. Ana because we are the strongest and the most able to enter the civil work field as an independent feminist society , the board council of  Gaza community mental  health program (GCMHP) by Dr. Iyad El-Saraj  recommendations decided to consider our branch in Rafah as a civil independent society of independent legal personality  called Wefaq society for women and child care.


Wefaq aspires to play a leading role in the field of community empowerment and battered women and vulnerable children to be active and responsible members in their communities.


We aim to empower women and develop the  insecure children by facilitating their access to the services that provided to them and also to provide legal and psychological counseling services, in addition to a  safe environment for a better life to raise the level of awareness among the two categories.


_ Contribute in the capacity building of Wefaq society and the partners.

_ Contribute in providing battered women more care  in Rafah governorate other governorate of Palestine through the psychological, social and legal, professional and educational support.

_ Contribute in the protection and development of children’s capabilities through  educational, cultural and medical activities.

_ Make researches and field studies to identify the issues which related to  women, children and family and gather the information that serve the objectives of the society.

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