Union Nationale des Handicapés Physiques et Mentaux Mauritania

This principle, supposed to translate into reality in 2015 for all public places, is insufficiently developed for people with learning disabilities. Many efforts remain to be undertaken. The Unapei, through its Manifesto , claims an accessible society with mental disabilities.

Accessibility is one of the leading topics worn by Unapei and associations, who have participated in the development of a central tool: the S3A pictogram , symbol of welcome, support and accessibility that s’ develops gradually in our daily environment.

But besides their political efforts, Unapei and associations also develop, with partners of other concrete actions to promote the accessibility of people with mental disabilities.

The aim is that people with intellectual disabilities access to all that is available to every citizen: information, education, schooling, training, work, employment, housing, transport, leisure, sports, culture, health, etc. This requires taking into account their specific handicaps and develop human and technical assistance adapted.

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