Sudanese Environment Conservation Society

Brief description The SECS had militated for the establishment of the higher council of environment and natural resources at the national and state levels. The society advocates for addressing environmental articles and laws in the Sudan’s constitution and is lobbying and advocating for environmental and natural resource conservation (specifically deforestation).
In addition, SECS has significant impacts at the community level in terms of:
environmental rehabilitation and conservation; addressing climate change impacts water, sanitation, health and hygiene for marginalized people (farmers, pastorals); lobbying and advocating for environmental rights; awareness raising campaigns for marginalized people (farmers, pastorals), grass roots communities, youth and children; capacity building for (farmers, pastorals), grass roots communities, youth and children.

SECS is one of the biggest national NGOs in Sudan; It is a membership based organization with branches all over Sudan and members from different cultures and qualifications and is a founding member of many national, sub regional and regional networks and coalitions. SECS is accredited member of the UN COPs.

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