
SONBOLA Group for Education & Development (SONBOLA) is a start-up grassroots apolitical NGO that started piloting its educational programs during Spring-Summer 2014 in Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. It was officially launched during Fall 2014 and acquired its official registration in October 2015 in Lebanon.

In response to many discrepancies and critical gaps in addressing Syria’s education crisis, SONBOLA was founded in order to fill those gaps and address the education of Syrian refugee children and youth with a special focus on quality and sustainability. SONBOLA’s mission stems from the belief that every single child has the right to an inclusive and high-quality education irrespective of his socio-economic, religious or ethnic background (as per MDGs & SDGs). However, due to the scope of the crisis and lack of strategic educational solutions, SONBOLA’s educational model adopts a comprehensive approach based on the great complementary opportunity between Formal Education and Non-Formal Education in order to accelerate learning and compensate for the huge academic and learning gaps of Syrian children and young adults. SONBOLA believes also in the vital role of the Syrian teacher as a key player in any educational solutions provided for Syrian children and young adults. As a result, SONBOLA’s three core programs are: Taleem, Tamkeen & Tadreeb as per described in the below section.


Syrian children and young adults are empowered and equipped with relevant learning skills and connected with learning to contribute in shaping their future and the future of their country.


Sonbola seeks Education for Hope and Change by committing to provide inclusive and quality education for all Syrian children and young adults especially at time of conflict and uncertainties.

In doing so, SONBOLA addresses Syrian, Arab and International communities to embrace lifelong learning as the pathway for saving the future of our children.


  1. To support Syrian refugee and displaced children and young adults in greatest need with inclusive and quality-based education that aims to reduce the regression of their culture, education and well-being, and mitigate the worsening status of violence and child labor imposed by the current situation.
  2. To provide capacity-building opportunities for Syrian teachers and professionals in order to enable them improve their own professional skills and further develop the concept of non-formal education, which can then be maximized in times of emergency and periods of post-conflict and reconstruction in Syria.
  3. To foster partnership and synergies with local and international partners who operate in the field of Education to provide and expand quality-based education for Syrian refugee and displaced children.
  4. To foster community welfare and raise the impact of human rights, civic values and worldwide citizenry through lifelong learning and education leadership.


  • Responsibility & Commitment
  • Transparency & Integrity
  • Team Work & Partnership
  • Excellence & Quality Education
  • Sustainability & Long-term Impact
  • Passion & Belief in the Mission of Sonbola
  • Human Rights & Civic Values
  • Community Welfare & World Citizenry

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