Rotaract Hammam Lif

Rotaract is an international movement involving youth aged 18 to 30 believe we can contribute to building a better world through friendship and action. Rotaract’s motto is “The camaraderie with the service.”

The Rotaract, whose name comes from an abbreviation of ROTARY ACTION is a Rotary International program. The first Rotaract club was created in 1968 to E United States. Creating a club goes through several stages. It must first of several young people who wanted work together for the welfare of citizenship come together in an association. This association must be sponsored by a Rotary club or clubs that will advise young people and guide them in the life of the club. The surrender of the charter is currently formalizing the birth of the association as a Rotaract Club. To be charted must have adopted the statutes of the Rotaract and respect the operating rules imposed by the seat of Rotary.

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