Resala for charitable works

Egyptian charity defamatory of the Ministry of Social Solidarity No. 444 of 2000, message association for charity is a charity based Eta T of activities in Egypt, was founded in 1999 as a movement of students in the Faculty of Engineering , Cairo University and then took up as a charity in 29/5/2000 and have many branches that are spread all over the country, represented in more than 60 branches. 1999 began as a movement message student in the College of Engineering Cairo University and that the desire of students to try to develop their society and move towards the positive, the activities ranging from donating Badam and services college and orphanages and elderly and hospital visits. 2000 was the first shift of the message when someone donated a plot of land in Faisalabad district and able young volunteer provide funding their own efforts was the declaration of Assembly 444 number was established the first branch of the message (Faisal). in 2003 message Society at the opening of more branches began (engineers – Maadi – new Egypt – 6 October to Nasr city – Helwan – Mokattam – Alexandria – Zagazig – Monoufia – …. etc.) and exercised through the branches of at least 24 charitable activity staffed by thousands of volunteers from the young men and women and children and adults in 2006 was the opening of the first phase of the hospital charity message includes several sections such as (invisible – women and generate – surgery – conjunctivitis – nose and ear – teeth – Leather – Children – bones – Urologist – the brains and nerves – psychological and neurological – Audio and addresses – nutrition and Physiotherapy – emergency 24 hours) in 2011 was the opening of the second phase to include rooms operations and accommodation rooms equipped with the latest processes and devices more powerful systems to fight infection and better care for patients with post – operative stay hotel rooms to learn more about Hospital message Click here in 2011 was the opening of a school charity message partially to include stages of kindergarten and first Primary only be opened gradually of all academic levels to learn more about a school message.

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