MARCH’s mission is to “Educate, motivate, and empower the Lebanese society to recognize its right to freedom of expression, instill a genuine respect and acceptance of differences, and expose the negative effect of censorship on society”.

We aim to:

Educate, motivate and empower the youth
– Raise awareness among the Lebanese society about the importance of the right of free expression
– Militate to translate this right to free expression into laws that will respect it.

Instill a genuine respect and acceptance of differences
– Raise a tolerant open society and work on a genuine reconciliation among the various communities in Lebanon through creative campaigning, awareness-raising initiatives and focused projects involving dialogue sessions, debate sessions, workshops, and mediation sessions in tense environments.
– Raise a liberal society that respects the law through civic education and civic awareness.

Expose the negative effect of censorship on society
– Inform the public about any censorship case related to art and culture in order to hold the government accountable for its actions and decisions.
– Fight censorship in all its form on all kind of artistic and cultural works, including lobbying for a new law

We focus our efforts on the youth, who are our best hope for positive change in leadership and who will drive Lebanon’s future.

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