l’Alliance Femme et Environnement

the Women and Environment Alliance (SFA) an entity of the National Union of Tunisian Women, was created in February 1993. It has, since its inception, focused its projects and programs to promote and support women in e a sustainable development and environmental protection. Working in the whole country thanks to its regional branches, the AFE aspires to be present both in the capital and inside the country for the purpose of participation in a population impliquerla active.Elle through the woman and children and affects the family in general way. Its actions are based on national and regional policies définies.Elle contributes to the search for effective solutions in the fight against environmental degradation in all environments: urban and rural, promotes development that takes into account the environment will be around health hygiene, biodiversity … recruited from all circles, its members consist of senior officials of the administration, education and health of the Liberal sector. They are economists, engineers, teachers, doctors, nutritutionnistes, lawyers, journalists, environmental specialists and public and international relations. The domains and subjects représantant common problems between the AFE and other organizations and institutions are being évidencadans these priorities.

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