La Felouque

La Felouque, partner of Partage since 2008, welcomes children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities, with or without associated personality and behavioral disorders. This psychopedagogical care is intended to allow a better integration, socialization and autonomy within the society. La Felouque works with these young people at the therapeutic, educational and pre-professional levels.

State-approved, Partage is an international association of confessional and apolitical. For over 40 years, sharing helps the children of the poor world to grow in respect for their fundamental rights. Thanks to the confidence of 25,000 sponsors and donors, Partage supports more than 800 000 beneficiaries in 20 countries worldwide through 30 associations partners. Created in 1973 to help children victims of the Vietnam War, then sharing is raising funds to help these children, seeking thereafter to ensure their regular resources over the long term. Since then, the association has developed and supports development projects with the most disadvantaged children.

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