Jeunesse Anti Drogue

J.A.D. is an organization working in Lebanon for the welfare of the society to create awareness among non-addicts, and provide prevention and healing means for the once addicted individuals.

J.A.D. Also refers to testimonies by former addicts, who has once fell victims to drugs, then later made their way to J.A.D. It’s an institution that welcomes everyone without discrimination. Those who seek help and healing from J.A.D receive care and assistance from the best experts. JAD also looks after the needs of the families of addicts, by offering special seminars aiming to team family members. It teaches them on how to adopt a constructive attitude and help in the recovery of their loved one by taking an active role and learning new patterns of interpersonal behavior to bond with their children, rather than being alienated from them.
J.A.D. also teaches parents and teachers on how to recognize the warning signs of drug addiction, and provides guidance on the best ways of convincing young people to seek treatment.

Every year, J.A.D. organizes summer camps in every region of Lebanon where the youth receives training on dealing with addicts and addiction; from experienced professionals; in the context of lectures, seminars, films, and testimonials by former addicts, young men and women.
Each year, J.A.D. organizes a contest for the best poster created by a university student, to warn against drug addiction and related social vices. The goal of this endeavor is to enter every university through the widest door possible. This is to be able to undertake yearly exhibitions, and therefore, publish and distribute tens of thousands copies of the winning poster. This summer J.A.D. has mounted an awareness campaign and published 100,000 brochures concerning addiction and social diseases.
J.A.D. main office in Jbeil is a specialized center for research and studies on drugs. It features a library and a poster exhibition, which are both unique all over the Middle East. J.A.D. has assisted 23 physicians, pharmacists, and engineers in their doctoral dissertations, and has participated in 183 academic research projects by university students in Lebanon. J.A.D. has participated in an international conference about the problem of drugs and how these destroy human beings on the levels of values, spirit, society, education, and economy.

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