Jerusalemite Youth Cultural Forum

Contribute to build the cultural, administrative, educational, traditional and social abilities of the youth. And contribute to reduce the suffering of children.

Our Goals

1. Work on the Protection of the Palestinian People and Historic Preservation.

2. Work on the interaction of the two categories of young people and children with the aim of folklore published and handed down between the Palestinian successive generations.

3. Form a meeting place for young people working on the construction and development of cultural abilities in general and the culture heritage in particular.

4. contribute to the educational process sound for children and the strengthening of national affiliation and social integration to contributing to support youth initiative personalities and leadership through various educational, cultural and social programs.

5. Develop community work and activation heritage programs and mechanisms to suit the aspirations of young people through intellectual and cultural heritage speech Advanced secures the participation of young people in the construction and development.

6. Work to activate the cultural life of the city of Jerusalem to break the siege of political and cultural isolation and stagnation that ails the holy city.

7. combat discrimination in all its forms (discrimination based on sex, ethnic, religious and social) and to disseminate the culture of participation and equality in rights and duties for all segments of society.

8. construction and the formation of professional networks with social, youth, educational and local and international cultural institutions to support the development of expertise and experience of the youth sector.

9. Arab and international support for the library and cultural studies academic publications on the subject of heritage and its role in character building and its importance in strengthening national identity.

10. Create a production line for cutting artistic heritage in order to strengthen the youth and support to their creativity.

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