Jakina Youth Charity Association

Assembly targets: 1.tkadim help and support appropriate health care for citizens. 3 for sale . Ensure that the needy and orphan care as possibilities. 4 for sale . The poor and needy service as possibilities. . 5. Rehabilitation work sessions for the children of the village to find jobs. 6. Strengthen the work of high school students from the village and support education in general sessions. 8. Participation of all in the special rituals and stand with them in the calamities as possibilities. 9. Support and promote access to services in order to achieve development goals. 10. construction of libraries, organizing cultural camps 11. honoring outstanding students from the village in the high schools and universities and various competitions. 12. support the commercial and productive projects to improve the conditions of citizens. 13. establish medical days free for all. 14 – any other goals arise and deemed appropriate public body in all areas of cultural and sporting heritage and social events.

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