France Volontaires
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France is sending Volunteers Association of International Solidarity Volunteers which provides general interest missions

- Inform: the various possible forms of voluntary commitment and solidarity in developing countries, on the terms and conditions of stay or missions in different countries.
- Position: people based on their profile, availability, experience, supply of skills, associative commitment, towards one or the other "family" LIVES or to commitments at national level or even European.
- Value: Increase awareness and recognition of various forms of volunteerism and voluntary commitment in French society and in the host countries
- Innovate: develop a culture of innovation within different families LIVES study the feasibility of a quality label
- Lead: to facilitate networking of actors and LIVES promote the development of their operational capacity, in conjunction with local authorities, state institutions, public policies ... animate Observatory Voluntary Commitment and Solidarity at the International
- Press: in host countries, creating a network spaces Volunteer Positions dedicated to home, information, training of volunteers, the exchange of practices ...
in France, promote the development of training systems, information, rehabilitation ...
All these tasks are specified in the Objectives and Means contract signed between France Volunteers and the Secretary of State responsible for Cooperation and Francophony in January 2010, and in the voluntary project of 28 June 2011.

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