Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research

Conduct studies and research on topics related to national security and social and economic well – being of the United Arab Emirates of the Gulf region in particular, current and vital issues on the international arena in general. To Conduct studies and research on topics Relevant to the national security and Economic and social well-being of the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf region and on : other Relevant international Concerns. Provide special programs to serve the community, by organizing a number of scientific and cultural events, such as seminars, lectures, conferences and specialized workshops, seminars and public lectures, on topics related to the work place His research interests. The center also contributes effectively to promote the professional development of a cadre of UAE nationals through training programs. To Provide community services thru scientific Activities and the Convening of Symposia, lectures and conferences on topics related Friends to the research agenda of the ECSSR The . It Also Actively Assists and Promotes the professional development of UAE nationals thru training programs. Support for circles governmental decision – making by reporting on relevant best political alternatives, as well as providing research tools and recommendations to decision – makers. The Center Also extends support to the Government’s decision-making process by preparing reports on best policy scenario mix and by providing research inputs to decision-makers

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