
Initially, “Citizens Dancers” was a collective of dancers who are committed to the cause of democracy after the 2011 events This group is committed on several fronts but one medium: dance.

This group has aligned itself with the association “Art-solution” for two years to work and promote alternative art forms. Several actions and projects have been realized since I still dance, Résidance, Tribute to martyrdom On 1 st May Street Dreams, Street Made by …

The collective action are translated in the form of urban performance. These performances have changed the look of Tunisians towards this discipline, which is considered a minor art in our country. The impact of our actions also affected the Arab world as much as the West and prompted a reflection on the place of dance in our societies today.

The group has vowed to defend the place of dance and status of dancers ready to authorities and is committed to support the training of dancers. For these new goals “Dancers Citizens’ formalized their status by creating the association ” Citizens Dancers “

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