Damascus Chamber of Commerce

amascus Chamber of Commerce:

The date of the founding of Damascus Chamber of Commerce back as one of the oldest Chambers of Commerce Building in the Arab world to the 1840 year.

Since that time, the room worked hard to achieve its mission in the business community, and the defense of interests, in line with continuing to develop and improve their capabilities and effectiveness of the services service.

Exercise Damascus Chamber of Commerce currently operates under Law No. 131 of 1959 governing the work of the Chambers of Commerce in Syria. And according to this law it is considered a public utility institution the room, her work focuses on service and representation of businesses and promote them and defend them.


Our commitment to the preservation of cultural heritage and commercial tradition of the city’s oldest still inhabited on earth, has our determination to be the leading organization among the supporting organizations for business and Damascus Economic globally.

the letter :

The Damascus Chamber of Commerce and the ones depending on the accumulated experience in the business community Damascene heritage, is committed to promoting the interests of its members and protect them and represent them and create the right opportunities for them by providing the best services that help increase their competitiveness and expand their horizons globally levels of service.


· Protect the interests of associates to our room and represent them and defend them.
· Influence economic policies related to the interests of associate to the room and the interest of the national economy.
· Raise the competitive employees of our room by offering services that support their business.
· Continue to raise and develop our capabilities for the business community in Damascus , the best service.
· The promotion of investment and contribute to the development of the national economy
· Facilitate the networking opportunities at the local level, regional and global
· Open the doors of access to information on business for merchants Syrians and the outside world.
· Conferences and exhibitions and seminars

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