C’est à Vous de Changer Bizerte

It is for you to change Bizerte, become a name synonymous with a party every Sunday. A group of young (and old) Bizertins motivated by love of their city is committed to: protect, maintain and restore its luster it deserves Bizerte as a “siren of the North”.

The will to be active on the local scene after the revolution of 14 January 2011 gave birth to this group on Facebook in March. It brings together in early May 2011 more than 3,000 fans and attracts a thriving number of volunteers every weekend. The Medina, the old port, the Mobile Bridge, Avenue Habib Bourguiba, … Ideas are not lacking, resulting in a rich program of which only a material and logistical organization beforehand with coordinated efforts and public awareness can contribute to the success of these campaigns and noble initiatives and sustainability.

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