Centre for Development and Population Activities

Founded in 1975, the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) is an internationally recognized non-profit organization that improves the lives of women and girls in developing countries.

Our approach is to work hand-in-hand with women leaders, local partners, and national and international organizations to give women the tools they need to improve their lives, families and communities.

CEDPA’s programs:

Through sub-grants and technical assistance to local partners, CEDPA strengthens community organizations for lasting change. We have awarded nearly $100 million in sub-grants to local organizations and women’s groups throughout our 35-year history.

With a global training program, CEDPA has trained more than 5,400 women, men and youth who are now leading change for women and girls in countries from Albania to Zambia. These alumni reinvest the skills they gained in CEDPA workshops through their work to deliver health services, improve education programs, advocate policy reform and lead their nations.

CEDPA’s headquarters are in Washington, D.C., and we have offices in India andNigeria.

With our many worldwide partners, CEDPA is building a groundswell of change agents for effective international development.

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