Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance

Egyptian Women’s Legal Foundation is a civil institution established in 1995 to provide support and legal support to Egyptian women, his authority in the Egyptian Constitution, laws and treaties Atah.o Foundation also seeks to provide women with the skills and abilities that enable them to exercise her life and overcome their problems. The declaration of the institution under No. 1829 for the year 2003 according to the new law of associations No. 84 of 2002 under the previous title mentioned.
Foundation’s mission:
Founded Egyptian Women’s Legal Centre initiative in addressing the violation of women’s rights by raising awareness of the legal to have, and support in obtaining legal, social, economic and cultural rights and include this message work to change discriminatory laws especially against women and is based achieve this mission on a combination of direct field work in local communities.
The strategic objectives of the institution:
In light of the institution ‘s keenness to develop its goals the Foundation has singled out a new goal is to have the pressure and the call to change the laws in order to more justice for Egyptian Women accordance with the Constitution and international agreements plus:
1. Rooting women ‘s rights as part of human rights.
2. Changing the cultural heritage of the anti-Egyptian women ‘s rights.
3 for sale . Work on the empowerment of women – and the fight against all forms of violence against women
Practical goals of the institution:
* Provide a legal and human rights awareness necessary for women. * Raise awareness of thecadres of the civil work special “intermediate category” of the legal awareness and human rights to work on the dissemination among the targets of the association. * Providing legal support through the adoption of personal and civil status and other issues, which are related to the situation ofwomen and their rights , and as well as to facilitate the extraction of personal Oorachn necessary ID cards and others. * provide literacy classes alphabet and continuing Education punctuated awareness sessions ranging from legal awareness, health, social, and others. * change unfair to women laws through the establishment of legal pressure groups to draw the attention of theconcerned authorities He urged the government to put these laws in mind, and by joining the Aitlaviat networks and civil work to strengthen the bloc and work on current issues relevant towomen and according to the international convention to stop discrimination against women and the follow – up to Beijing decisions. * formation bridge between the foundation executive, legislative and stakeholders and strengthening the foundations of cooperation with them. * networking with other NGOs to raise awareness of the legal rights of women and children in thelight of international conventions and the Constitution.

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