Biladi: Heritage for peace building

BILADI is an N.G.O dedicated to promoting cultural and natural heritage to youngsters. We believe that our heritage is unique and irreplaceable. BUT, in post-conflict countries, globalization and psychological barriers have separated youngsters from their heritage. We believe that our mission is to re-establish this link, to give youngsters the chance to learn about their heritage, cherish it and build bridges through it .We are committed to an international vision of cultural heritage preservation and education. While visiting sites all over Lebanon, students will get the chance to increase their knowledge, live the history of their country and most importantly, learn about it in an entertaining technique. To achieve our goals, we have created our own concept: “Enjoy heritage”. We consider the youth as the main actors of change. Our aim is to establish a sense of cultural belonging that would engender a cohesive social force, while retaining the wealth of our cultural diversity.

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