Assoication Tounissiet

This association aims to promote the role of Tunisian women in the development of social, cultural and economic dimensions and through:
° strengthening the capacities of women and work to full involvement in the community building a modern and saturated Bhute to ensure the protection of their gains and Damhaottoerha. ° support the spirit of citizenship among women Thasisha rights and defined Boajpadthaabbar development of the spirit voluntary work and associative among women and encourage entrepreneurship have and urge to have an active role in decision – making centers ° definition problems of Tunisian women , rural and private Mnhao quest to find solutions to them. ° interest Tunisian monarchy in all areas and working to raise their level to make it a positive nucleus ineffective. ° coordination and cooperation with Aljehat interested in women ‘s affairs and family internally regionally internationally. Cette association a pour but de renforcer le rôle important ‘s de la femme tunisienne dans le progrès national, sur le plan socio-culturel et économique à travers: ~ Le renforcement du pouvoir de la le travail et femme sur by son implication total … e, dans la construction d’une société moderne et riche de the sa noble identité, avec le soutien et le développement de ses acquis. ~ L’Élévation du sens de Patriotique la femme et l ‘ouverture de conscience the sa de ses droits et devoirs, à travers le développement de l’esprit de Bénévolat Associatif, l’encouragement de l’Initiative féminine by son et intégration dans les politiques Degrés Exécutifs Concrets et non Symboliques.

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