Association Tuniso-Méditerranéenne des Etudes Historiques Sociales et Economiques

Objectives of the Tunisian-Mediterranean Association of Social and Economic History Studies :

1. Boosting the role of the Tunisian University in general and academic institutions of the interior in particular, ensure communication between them and strengthen their influence at all levels, inside the country and abroad, and this as part of a recognition of university and to encourage young researchers in their work and in the study of local companies.

2. Take an interest in general historical, social and economic studies, and focus especially on everything related to the areas of Tunisia (history, society, traditions, local development), and to consolidate ‘Arab-Muslim identity and Afro-Mediterranean belonging, and to open up to other civilizations.

3. Establishing relationships between researchers in different social and economic sciences according to their specialties, trying to understand the many phenomena, issues and types of behavior and their transformations in Tunisia. Also inform the researchers according to their specialties, new scientific research, and facilitate their scientific missions by providing the necessary means in the areas of historical, social and economic.

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