Association Tunisienne des Vétérinaires des Animaux de Compagnie

permanently study and develop all branches of medicine, surgery, therapy, veterinary medicine and livestock related to the dog, cat and other pets,
2 -d inform its members scientific and technical innovations developed in the world,
3- to organize meetings, conferences, seminars and conferences to expose and discuss scientific and technical knowledge and new therapeutic
4- to participate in training and recognition with other competent authorities, experts in various specialties (surgery, cardiology, ophthalmology ….)
5- to contribute to the technical training of veterinary personnel
6- to facilitate scientific and cultural contacts between foreign veterinarians,
7 – to promote and recognize the quality of the professional practice of Medicine and Surgery pets, for continuing education for veterinarians,
8- to contribute to the organization of structures and exercise to improve technical, economic and social environment of veterinary specialists pets. ”
9- to make better known the veterinary profession to the general public.

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