Association Tunisienne des Etudes d’Ingénieur (ATEI)

ATEI is the Tunisian Association for Engineering Studies
This is a scientific association, apolitical
Mission: offer s opportunities the future engineer to train creative minds Vision: to be the largest national network of creative engineer.

The working area of the ATEI is divided into four areas:

  • Staff: offer members the opportunity as far as future engineer for a successful professional life.

    This training is spread over 3 categories:

    -The 1st is training within the institution.

    -The 2nd is the psychological side and the logical reasoning development.

    -The 3rd is the social side (communications, good management team, working group ….).


  • Local: ATEI offers its members the opportunity to perform actions within its establishment. These actions aims to:

    – Distressed Students.

    Organize workshops for core subjects (it puts into practice the theory they studied).

    – Develop Cultural and scientific knowledge.


  • National: National Office organizes these actions: the national meeting of local presidents; seminars for recruitment companies hiring and training; Orientation training for graduates.


  • Scientific: ATEI provides access to research and scientific training (it puts into practice the theory they studied).

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