Association Santé Sidi El Houari

Brief history:

The Association for the Rehabilitation of the Old Hospital of Oran, more commonly known as Health Sidi El Houari (SDH) was approved in January 1992.

Its objective is ambitious and the means to achieve it, derisory at the outset. A strong asset, a strong conviction and a firm determination to take up the challenge. It will be necessary to wait until March 2002 to see the formalization, through a convention signed with the Wali of Oran, of making available the site of the former Hospital of the Camp, and therefore the recognition of SDH as an association charged with concreting The project of realization of the “socio-educational center of Sidi-El-Houari”.

However, SDH did not wait for this moment to act. The site was for 15 years the subject of acts of vandalism and plunder of any material having any value: cut stone, plank, window, frame all coming, fountain, brick, wrought iron accessories … Tons of waste Over the years, a fertile breeding ground for wild herbs and figs in particular. Space becomes the place of rendezvous for those left behind, drug addicts, all the marginalized who have no fixed abode.

The SDH association makes a statement of this material and moral degradation, and decides to tackle the clearing of this enormous dumping ground where the surrounding neighborhoods seemed to accommodate themselves.

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