Association pour le Développement Durable et la Coopération Internationale

Zarzis The Association for Sustainable Development and International Cooperation was created in 2002, it contributes to social inclusion of the poor in general and of women and young people in particular, in their awarding micro credits and entering development activities in an approach involving the effective participation of the populations concerned as it contributes to the enhancement of cultural heritage, architectural and tourism in the region and work to promote actions for ecosystem conservation.
the last elective general assembly s ‘held in Zarzis 9 September 2012.
the ADDCI-Zarzis is a structure consisting of: 13 members of the Executive Committee, 13 permanent employees and 68 members. The ADDCI-Zarzis is TACID Member of network: Canvas associations to citizenship and development which includes more than 250 Tunisian associations.
The ADDCI-Zarzis is Member of FAEDD: the Federation of Associations of the environment and sustainable development and Member of TACID: the web of associations and civic development.

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