Association Nationale Artistique & Sociale

ANAS is a young organization with big ambitions:
1. Multiply the number of cultural spaces throughout the territ Tunisian ory by implanting clubs within schools, arts centers and craft creative spaces in neighborhoods, villages and towns, where young and old come to the best cafes and bumpy football fields as only recreation areas ( male sex) and at worst are private (s) of any form of intellectual development by the habits and customs of course, but also because of the lack of adequate structures and particular account of the attitudes and socio-cultural specificities different Tunisian regions.
2. Equipping existing cultural venues (clubs in schools and colleges, cultural centers, youth centers) from inside Tunisia ways for talent and creativity to express themselves; amateurs and professionals and finding ways to advance their artistic projects.
3. Create regular and periodic artistic events to allow the General public meeting – artists and craftsmen customers and cause a new cultural but also commercial dynamics orchestrated by region or simultaneously throughout the national territory

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