Association Mon Enfant est Différent
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e association AMED "My Child is Different" was created in early 2013 by a group of parents who have become friends through the "difference" of leursenfants all holders of a disability commonly known as "Trisomy 21" (T21).

The initiative is part of the realization that parents expect or welcome a "different" child are clueless, confused and ultimately very little informed on all levels, in their new experience that is often difficult and challenging. No structure or medical or associative, nor civil society exists to support and guide these parents, this task is often neglected and overlooked. Do you really know what the T21, what preventive medical diagnostics to drive, what therapies to be used to improve the intellectual capacity and T21 carrier's engines? ... Well no!
And it is quite normal How about at the limit for someone who has never had to face a handicap.
But the big problem that our association has raised is that precisely this poverty in terms of knowledge and the low level of mastery of that syndrome is often raised in families holders of the T21, among health workers and even among health professionals.

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2, rue Chourouk 1004, Menzeh,
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