Association Horizon de Développement et des Charités

Horizons Association for Development and Philanthropy Pmart is a development charity, an independent, non – specific duration, of a general nature when you take into account the composition and activity during all m Initially the rule of law and democraticE and pluralismAnd transparency, equality and human rights.

Horizons Association for Development and Philanthropy Pmart aims to:
– the representation of the people of the region to the national administrative authorities and regional and local.
– Contribute to the advancement of the region at all economic levelsAnd the advancement of the youth of the region and Tohlih mentality Tunisia.
– Contribute to the advancement of the infrastructure of the area and perimeter protection and the environment.
– Install the right of the region to achieve comprehensive development and fair.
– Contributing to the consolidation of solidarity, tolerance and social cohesion and national and international values.
– To do seasonal campaigns on holidays and religious events and return the school to help MahtagyN and distribution needs.
– Contribute to the advancement of rural women in all living standards

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