Association Féminine pour la Promotion de l’Hygiène

AFPH works in the field of the environment especially in the education and training on the recycling of household waste.

The Women’s Association for the Promotion of Hygiene (AFPH) is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) established in 1992 by the Mauritanian women engaged in the field of hygiene, environmental protection, development, fight against poverty and the integration of women.
The AFPH participated in the implementation of local development projects and women’s access to basic services (hygiene, sanitation, waste managements, ….).

After 20 years of existence, we have a recognized expertise in various development sectors. Our expertise to support the inclusion of the priority needs of women in vulnerable populations and support their active participation in the management of their development.

The AFPH is a founding member of the National Coalition of Associations of Mauritania (Renam) recognized by the Mauritanian government.

The AFPH has established a network of 50 women’s cooperatives in various development sectors.

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